Saturday, December 21, 2019

Flashback: June 2019

So June was the month that we "started" settling into our home and figuring out routines...only to find that the last weeks of school, summer break and vacation would make routines not really a thing and we would have to realize that "organized chaos" was about the best thing we could settle for!

The greatest variable was (and still is) this cute little thing.  She is a great napper for me when I work from home, but our night time sleeping was not like the others.  It really took me stopping nursing (hello November 2019) for her to start figuring out this night thing.  Knowing what I know now, would I have stopped earlier...nope.  We had a good run and what's 1 year without sleep...pretty sure it only aged me about 5 years.

Saturday FUN day in the SUN and a lemonade stand with the neighbors.

So....THIS is the only way we got things done with a baby strapped to our backs!

And that's a wrap Spring ball!  Griffin had a great time.  It was a bumpy season with getting shifted mid season to a new team, but Griffin made some new friends and started to really enjoy football.

Being home...and walks to our park was and will always be one of the parts of spring and summer I love the most.  I mean I love a good night on the lake...but nothing beats a good swing session and family talk/walk.

Figuring out how to do this thing by's so weird to think HOW much help we had for LJ's first 7 months and IF we would have made it through it the same.  I mean, the sleepless nights were still mine, but bath time was typically grammy.  

Yep...pumping.  However, pumping on the heated floor is so much better.  It's weird to say, but I'd do it all again.  Don't worry, THREE's a COMPANY.  A company of chaos and laughter and just where our family should stay.

Every day....every single day! This one would "sneak" down to mom and dad's bed (because mom was so exhausted from being up all night) and SHE WOULD SLEEP!  Like really we let it slide....and let it slide for A LONG time.

Figuring out our bedtime routines was something so fun!  Griffin would practice his kindergarten homework books at night for the girls.

So...obviously, this was saved in my phone from June 2019, but I think it was so my December 21st, 2019 self would read it.  By NO means am I stuck, but the chaos is crazy and figuring out ways that we can grow and change and make the next 11 to 17 years we have kids at home, in school and a mini zoo at our house will ONLY make them so much better.  Here's to learning through the challenging and enjoying the RIDE!

Wednesday coffee with Michelle before.....

Baby GYM!

School dayz can be SOOOO exhausting.

Taking pictures of our dinner menus so they didn't need to come home with us.

Millicent and Leighton got to attend Avea and Rene's 8th grade graduation so they were dressed up super cute!  For Griffin, it was a normal school day and he was so daper in his uniform.

Doughnuts with Daddy.

Sick visit...well visit...must be a sick visit?!?! 

Here we to Jillian's American Girl Birthday party.

All the troops!!!

I mean digging in your Easter dress...turned everyday wear is totally ok at our house.  Saturday night BBQ with the Bells. It's so weird how life kind of paused during the build of our house...but didn't slow down at all.  Do you get it...I will when I look back in 10 years at this Meyer scrapbook (or at least I hope I will).

And that's a WRAP preschool...this BIG girl had a fun year in Mrs. Horn's class with her cousin and bestie Gabe.

Ms. Tomson was Millie's favorite (and still runs for hugs anytime she sees her).

Last day of school party...sweaty kids!

Gabe, Millie and Mrs. Horn

Party time!

A special completion certificate for Miss Millicent.

Next up, Kindergarten Graduation day for the BIG G!  (I'm not crying)!

This guy really came into his own in Kindergarten.  Mrs. Brown helped him learn to read and grow.  Plus, his kind heart and fun spirit was so loved by his friends.

Signing yearbooks.

The Kinder graduation program.

WOW! It was the coolest.  The kids memorized 26 bible versus A to Z and sang about 13 songs too.  

Post Graduation pictures with Mrs. Brown

A final celebration in the classroom with friends and family.


Pizza Coop to celebrate with our BIG Grad!

More projects completed...the front door was stained.  

Family pictures at our house...a good idea? maybe. We captured our tribe at this moment in time...and that is why pictures are ALWAYS a great idea.

Just hanging and waiting for Chantel.

She's here and catching some magic with the kids.


Father's Day Tradition....boating with a little.  This year, Millie wanted to go with Dad.

Griffin, Leighton and I met Daddy and Millie at our favorite waterfront boat spot.

Then we took LJ on her maiden voyage and enjoyed some time with the family.

She's a natural...just like her big sis and brother.

Wrapping up Father's Day celebrating my dad and Best Papa.  What a year we had...this guy helped us so much with all things house!  Such a trooper.

There you have it...this little one is already EIGHT whole months old!

Annual eye visit, yep...that get's documented too!

Did I do this I crazy?!?!  Yep, school was out so the BIG kids were around for Wednesday with LJ and I.

They even came to baby gym with us.

Who needs this today (or everyday).  

So bathtime with Leighton is still a work in progress (even NOW in December).  She just doesn't love it.

Time to celebrate FIVE at Pump it UP!

Let's PARTY!!!!!

This GIRL had a big year....she was our baby TURNED Big Sis in a blink of an eye and I will do everything in my power to make sure her sparkle always shines.  

A little more fun celebrating...but this time it was for Landon at the train station!

A fun trip to Snoqualmie Falls and back!

The magic of the falls from the train!

We ended June...and started July at one of our favorite spots...Lake Roosevelt!
Such special memories that I cherish and hope to continue to MANY MANY years to come!

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