Monday, December 23, 2019

Flashback: September 2019

And then it was back to reality.....we arrived home from a relaxing week at the lake to hit the ground running with the first day of school.  In true Meyer fashion, we soaked up every minute of time together knowing that when school starts WE have less flexibility for the random surprise trips!

Miss Millicent Grace 
Kindergarten with Miss Brown

Mr. Griffin Charles
1st Grade with Mrs. Shilley

Here we go EAGLES!

Already in their classrooms.

Kicking off the school year with Chapel!

Where do we celebrate the 1st day of school....JULIO's, of course!

Meanwhile, while the BIG kids were at school...LJ and I did stuff around the house.  Figuring out how to do Wednesdays with JUST THE TWO OF US.  

A little Thursday morning Coffee date before work...we have learned that when we are both kid free we have to take the chances we have and get a little time together.

Leighton has grown up so much...seeing these pictures month by month are such a great way to see her little personality come to life.

When you have a friend who lives in meet up at the Premium Outlets for some girl time!

Summer swimming lesson turned into Friday's afterschool and the kids LOVE them.  

BIG Kinder!

Saturday morning at the DEPOT with the kids...Project time with Mommy and Papa!

And then it was time for haircuts....

Looking SHARP Meyer Crew!

Back to school and our 1st RAINY day....

Hello Wednesday! Easton and Leighton having a little hang/play session.

Time to pick up the BIG kids and hit the park.

Pictures don't capture the moment in perfection...I'm sure there were "NO Moms" and "I don't want to"...but seeing these 3 together will always be my fav!

And then it was time for Leighton's 1st day of school....well, Baby and Mommy group, but still she needed the 1st day picture too!  

Friday FUN Day with Friends.  Griffin got to have a special buddy over for dinner and an almost sleepover.  I'll leave out the details, but maybe we aren't quiet ready for a friend sleepover yet!

Husky (and Cougar) Football season was in full force and Grammy picked up this cute onesie for LJ.

Saturday mornings with Griffin...reading and building legos!

Ta-dah!  I love Watermelon and dislike bibs!

Let's get SWEATY!!!!
These 2 had been couped up in the house over a LONG rainy we went to Elevated Sportz to burn the stink off.  They got more stinky BUT also exhausted.

Lunch date with Kate for her birthday.

Someone learned she loves the SLIDE.

And then....SHE was 11 months OLD!
Fully a BIG girl...running around, popping teeth and smiling everywhere she goes!

PLUS....getting into Chukar's food and water dish EVERY CHANCE SHE GETS!

Special Sushi date with my girls!  

Running errands with Grammy and helping Papa at GG and Roxy's! Yes, GG and Roxy moved to BOTHELL in September.  YIPPEE!!!

Coffee date with Rich and this cutie!

And here's the CO-OP true busy mom fashion, we missed the week 1 picture, but here is week 2.

These ladies I met 20 year ago and have shared so many things...from living together to weddings, to babies and more...thanks ladies for the lunch session!!!

Daddy and Millie special time on the boat! SO Rich's birthday happened HERE....but we don't have any pictures.  I know there was cake and a crazy day...we love you BABE.  Happy 41st!

Millie went to a BOY party...yep, only girl there and held her own!

After school with GG in Great Grandpa Rudy's hat!  

Wednesday morning baby group with the little was her last time...she started to walk and that meant, time for BIG girl gym.

When friends come into town for a short do everything thing you can to grab a quick coffee and chat!

Ta-dah...I'm ready for SNOW!

Fall Flag Football season!
New team, new coach and a little apprehensive that he wanted to play!

Oh make heading into the office some days SO hard!

That's a wrap were good to our family.  Getting back to a "normal" and new routine with 2 big kids in school and mom settling into working from home with an active toddler.  Finding time with Rich and discovering we don't have to do it all!  Learning each month how we are going to do this and deal with many changes along the way!  Fall was a time of shedding things that don't serve us anymore and we used all 3 months to do that!  To continued growth into each season of change!

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