Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Almost NOT a Flashback: November 2019

Next up...time to celebrate SEVEN and a swim party.

Griffin (and Millie) have been obsessed with swimming and he begged for a swimming party.  He was about 2 weeks from swimming the length but insisted and sure did have a blast!

The boys!

Group photo!

Millie has taken a liking to one of Griffin's friends...it's not the 1st and I'm sure it's not the last.

Time for snacks and cake.

He's getting SO big, but still my little goofy, sweet boy!


A crazy FUN bunch of kids!

Besties on the left and current crush on the right (but don't tell Griffin).

Someone had too much fun at the party.

Fall down feels.

A quiet morning after a busy Saturday!

The man in action!!!

Cleaning up...and finally liking to do this thing called a bath. We are such a shower family that it's not often they are in the tub.

Cuddles with grammy!

LJ and I changed our Wednesdays up and started at the Little Gym in November.  We love the small gym focused on little ones and Teacher Steve.  There is more order and structure which is awesome for us.

Best thing we did this fall was/is Wednesday date nights.  Brionna comes and hangs with the kids 530-830 and Rich and I get a little time together for dinner or errands.  It's been a great midweek break.


The boys went for triplets!

Millie informed me she was wearing Cheetah pants with Jordan....but Tyler's mom and I had talked Husky shirts...so she's kind of a triplet too.  hahah!

Morning drop offs with the WHOLE family!

Fall festival at school

Back at the gym to wrap up the final weeks of TDM Bothell....the tribe on the right! Thanks Michelle for creating something so special!

Rainy afternoon with my BIG girl.

Millie's 1st trip to get her nails done.

She even talked me into a pedicure.

Loved having this special Mommy and Millie time.

Last football game of the season...and it was the championship game!

THE CHAMPIONS!!!  Way to go Vikings!

Check-up time!  The big kids went too...but LJ stole the show with Tiffany.

Our little shadow.  She is so sweet just going between mom and dad and checking things out!

Practicing Thanksgiving crafts for Millie's Thanksgiving party...yep, we were in charge of crafts...not the craftiest person, but we had fun!

Sunday dinner at the Washburns

And it's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS (at GG and Roxy's)

Nightly reading.

Kate came to pick up!

And then we did something...yep, we got sucked into the cult.

Pajama party at school for raising the MOST money in all of HCA.  Way to go 1st graders!

Millie started up BIG girl gym in November too...it's her favorite spot.

I mean...color coordinated CHAOS!

Party TIME!!!

The day of the clothed swim test...he swam a length and did awesome! PASS!!!

Cold Saturday morning stroll!

The last day.

Griffin asked for a tradition...so here is a NEW one.
Hot Chocolate by the fire at McMenamins!

Santa picture skirts arrived.  Millie picked them out.

Frozen 2 with friends!

Football banquet at the Pizza Coop.

One day of Thanksgiving break Griffin went to Jonah's for the day and had a BALL!!!


Her she is...1st ride!

Sushi date with Millie and Mommy (while the boys and LJ did tacos)!

And this is what family photos look like at our house...

Thanksgiving at Grammy and Papa's....GG with her "BONESS" Great-Grands!

Grammy and Papa with the 5 reindeer!

LJ not having ANY of it.

The Friday after was APPLE Cup and our weekend adventure to Packwood!

The kids settled into cabin life.

Ready for a Christmas tree and hopefully SNOW-adventure.

All smiles and everyone loved the snow!

Olivia and Griffin were adventure climbers.

Chuk had a blast too!

There she goes!

The girls took a little trip together.

Always an adventure with this guy!

And we found the tree!


Quick NAP on our way back to town.

Such a perfect day!

Off to warm up with snack, games and drinks!

How are we so blessed?!?!

I can only imagine this tribe in 10 years...it's been so fun watching the last 7 years together!

HOT TUB time!

Memories with the Bells!  Such a fun weekend and love all our time together.

So thankful for each day...I get caught in the weeds of chaos, but taking time to look back at this beautiful life we created sure puts it all into perspective.  There are hard days (lots of them), but the good days (and there are more of those) sure make it all worth while!!!

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