Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week 29 - The Glory Days!

About ME:
Waist: 40.5 inches (Total growth 7 inches) - No growth this week!
Weight: 157.2 lbs (Total increase 13.4 lbs)

Seriously, just cruising along.  I have a feeling that the discomfort of my size will come soon enough, so I'm just trying to enjoy every minute of feeling great, having an appetite, sleeping good and crusing through the beginning of the 3rd trimester!

I've been able to get out a lot recently to walk with Chukar and even spent the afternoon at the pool today swimming.  The only thing that could make this better would be being able to swim everyday!  There is something to be said for being "weightless" and just floating around.  I did overdo it a little with the flips and turns and have spent the afternoon be nauseous...lesson learned!  I'm pregnant and can't do everything I used to do!

During a walk this week, I experienced my 1st Braxton Hicks...took my breath away and had to sit down.  I realized that I better bring my cell phone with me on walks to make sure that Rich could come get me it needed...of course, I had it with me, spaced and ended up walking home in a bit of pain only to realize when I got home that I did indeed have my phone with me.  Lesson learned...I'm sure that there will be more of these "false" contractions in the weeks to come, so now I'll be ready. 

Fatigue is also entering back into the picture a little, however, I'm not sure if this is 3rd trimester related or anemia related.  I'm going to continue taking my iron supplements, exercising and hoping that my energy stays at a good level.  Worst case, a little afternoon nap is always ok!


If we thought Monster was moving a lot was NOTHING compared to this week.  I compare it to a dance competition or a rotesserie.  Baby is constantly in action.  My tracker tells me that the space is getting cramped in there for Monster and movement will start to slow, so I'm anxiously awaiting a little less kicking, rolling, punching and down right boogying down!  Basically, the energizer bunny is living inside me! 

This week Monster is the size of a small cabbage...appx. 17 inches and 2.9 lbs!  Growing up before our very eyes!

Planning for MONSTER:

With the third trimester upon us, we decided it was time to get the crib and dresser put together (and out of the garage).  Weekends have been so crazy lately, that we decided the evenings were the best time to do these "little" projects, however, we did not plan on it being in the 90s every time we tried to work.  Rich was a trooper and when he gets his mind set on getting something done, there is NO STOPPING now, we have a crib and dresser that are complete and ready to use.  Funny thing is, the baby probably won't be in there until January, so what was the rush.  :)

All the pieces out and ready to start assembling the crib.

Rich starting to assemble the feet and legs...

Now for the sides and back...

Final screws...Chukar was such a trooper!

BAM!  The Crib...with our fun little bedding.  Chicks, stripes, FUN!

Next project was the dresser and I was surprised on Friday night when I got home and Rich was already knee deep in assembly!

It was definitely a lot more complicated to put together and I was not help...too awkward to contort and help.

Another BAM!  Dresser complete!  

The next fun surprise in the "Planning for Monster" this week was in the mail on Friday!  I received invites to my showers in September.  One for my family that my sister is throwing and one for friends that Michaela and Jenn are throwing.  So much fun!  Monster is already spoiled rotten and hasn't even made an appearance yet!

The invites were too cute to not post...and how perfectly do they both match the theme of nursery!  Next up, getting a baby book so I can make sure that these have a safe home forever!

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