Sunday, August 12, 2012

August in Packwood!

A weekend away with Friends...Relaxation....Hiking...Lounging...and SLEEPING in!!! Rich and I headed out early Friday afternoon to Packwood to meet up with Jen, Alex, Brodi and Dan!

A little view from the drive along 410...yes, that is Mt. Rainier that you can almost reach out and touch.  It was absolutely breathtaking and the picture does not do it justice. 

Rich and I ended up getting to the cabin a little before the we took Chukar down to the river for a little PT.  He swam so much that we were sure he would sleep all weekend...well, not all weekend, but he did crash early on Friday.  Our little swimmer LOVES the water!

Rich and Chukar playing a little fetch!

We met the gang at Cruiser's for a little Pizza and headed to the cabin for a night of "just hanging".  For Rich and I, these times are so precious, as we know that the "quiet" time of just friends relaxing together has a little ticking time-bomb attached named MONSTER (eta November 2012)!

Saturday morning, we rallied the troops and headed out for a hike.  Yes, at 28 weeks pregnant it was all will power as my body DID NOT want to cooperate.

A little shot of the ladies and Chukar before we headed out!

Alex, Jen and Sadie at the trail-head ready to get moving.

We made it to the 2nd lake on the hike, Big Bertha Lake and let the dogs cool off a little and have some fun.  We were about 1.75 miles into the hike at the point.  We cruised on to the next lake, but decided that Big Bertha was where we would eat lunch and hang out for a bit before our decent back down the hill.

Our little BIG BERTHA LAKE. 

A group shot from above...everyone enjoying the water and having some fun!

Rich and Chukar even got a little time to fish in...

and the ladies a little time to enjoy the sunshine!

We made the trek back down and assumed that we did about 4.5 to 5 miles round trip...and most likely that is the last hike while pregnant for me.  It was brutal. 

Saturday night, we stayed in, grilled dinner up, watched movies and a few of us even went to the river to watch the meteor shower.  Relaxation at it's finest!

Sunday morning, Rich, Chukar and I beat the rest of the crew up and headed to Skate Creek for a little Meyer Family time and fishing.  Chukar is an absolute NUT when it comes to Rich fishing...but my boys had fun and that is what really matters!

This was too funny to not post...I caught a glimpse of my shadow and I have to admit, it shocked me a little...when did my belly pop out so much.  Guess that means Monster is growing up!

A final glimpse of the weekend...Rich and Chukar by the creek!

Batteries have been fully-recharged again and it's likely that we will have enough energy to get the nursery set up during the week!

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