Monday, July 22, 2024

And that's a wrap...June 2024.

June...I probably say this every month, but it's one of my favs!  It's the one where I get my babies back and days get to be a little more free without school.  It's the month that makes me wish I was a home school mama and got all my time with my kiddos...but then I remember how much they love routine and structure (just like me), it's a reminder to soak up these 100ish days of summer having fun!

With a summer birthday, this little lady wanted a party with all her school friends so we added Birthday Party into the last week of school...and boy was it fun to celebrate 10 with her and her friends.

One special friend made this adorable jacket for her and I just love that it captures so much of Millie in it.

The kiddos skated before indulging in pizza, cake and more skating!  A fun fabulous afternoon.

Say what...even mama did something BIG in June.  I completed my 300th F45 class!

Last week of school...had cheer fittings and Griffin's last day in a HCA uniform.

We even had a fun afternoon with a friend and swimming...because...well, it was almost summer!

End of Preschool party for LJ!!!

Last Day of Preschool...onto her KINDERGARTEN ERA!!! After 3 years at Heritage for preschool, this girl is onto Kindergarten...and we are so grateful that she will be spending those years in the same familiar walls that have been so special for our kiddos!

And then TEARS...but no tears too!  Griffin's 5th grade celebration.  What an amazing group of kiddos...11 who have been together since kindergarten and most who are staying together for middle school.  God sure knew what he was doing when he guided us to this little school 9 years ago!!!

Special guests...Grammy, Papa and Auntie Roxy!

The boys!

Griffin's Kinder teacher made a special trip too...she was one of the ladies who helped him run to Jesus when he was in kinder and has been a special lady to him and our family.

Our crew celebrating BIG brother and his accomplishment!

Then it was off to celebrate at Kenmore Lanes....before the LAST day of school. :)

Last day of 4th grade and 5th grade for the BIG kids!

The last day of school is almost as special as the first...we start how we end and end how we start...always Praising, Worshiping and being so Grateful for the work God has done and continues to do through our children!

And then school was out for summer and we crashed a "girls" party with Griffin and Millie!

Summer break officially began....and it was sunny and time to put PK, 4th and 5th grade in the rearview mirror!

Leighton did ballet all year and got to have her recital.  "You are so Beautiful" and boy did she shine.  She is a born performer.

Thanks Grammy for taking her to all the practices and being the best ballet mama for LJ!
Girls did a 2 day cheer camp and had some fun preparing for the season this fall.

Griffin and I got to have a quiet morning while the girls were gone :)
Special guests!!!
Relaxation and Cleaning out backpacks...all the fun of JUNE!

And lots of tramp time and walks....LOTS!!!

Cousin day at the pool.... :)

And one more birthday celebration with Grammy & Papa before they headed out on vacation and she headed away on her mission trip.

Final brunch before the big kids headed to Wenatchee for a mission trip!

Here they go....

This trip is special, as it sets up the kids to learn how to serve at such an important young age.  G went last year and grew so much.  M got to participate this year and it is so fun to see these kiddos chase God and yearn to serve! (Doesn't happen quite the same at home).

Over the week, we get pictures and it's fun to spot our kiddos working and serving!

A little birthday surprise while she was gone...<3

Leighton living her BEST only kid life while Big Bro and Big Sis were off on their mission trip!

And then the BIRTHDAY girl was home and we got to celebrate her with chipotle and ice cream cake...and lots of hugs and kisses!
10 is a BIG year...and this one chose to serve on her birthday instead of spending it at the lake. She chose adventure and love and for that I am so proud.  Her heart is so big and I love seeing ALL that God is doing through her.  She is simply amazing!


June also had a few trips to the lake...
Our 1st Waymaker Fund Fundraiser Dinner that we raised over $70,000 at. waymaker event
Those deserve a separate post and memory.  June 2024...thanks for the memories and the way you continue to help us figure out this life.

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