Monday, July 22, 2024

Waymaker Dinner and Blessing

When God placed Waymaker Fund on our family, I have to admit, I struggled with the "why us"...well, each time we take a step in faith with Waymaker, God continues to show up and show up BIG.

In January, Rich started talking about the need to share our mission, thank those who have supported us and really reach into the future of Waymaker.  So, insert Waymaker Fund's 1st Dinner Fundraiser Event.  We looked at many locations, but finally came to Russell's as being the place.

From our 1st call, it was the place to have it.  The event planner was a fellow believer and member at our church. The location helped offset the cost by waiving the room rental fee. And everything started falling into place.

We didn't know what to expect, so we prayed. 

We sent invites and prayed.

We followed up and prayed.

And BOY did God provide. 

We had 49 guests who shared the evening of amazing food and fellowship!  We shared our story, we shared the mission and we raised a record $70,000 from this event.

Can't wait to see how this year grows and the fruit that continues to grow.

In the spotlight is not my favorite place, but when your WHY is so big, it's hard not to share your heart!

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