Tuesday, June 4, 2024

May Days are my Fav Days...

 Every kid should have the chance to feel like a total "baller" and have Grammy pick them up in a cool car!  Griffin had the privilege of riding home from school in Grammy's sick ride (well, Debbie's)!  He even got to take a friend for an imaginary spin!

Girls got to have some fun too!


Bullseye...these 2 have been begging Rich to take them for a while and it finally worked out for them to attend a gun safety class in May.  They learned more about safety and for this I am so very grateful.

Wowza, I'm going to miss the special carved out time this one and I have had for the past few years...but it just means I will need to be even more intentional with time (since it surely isn't slowing down).

Off to visit Kennewick Grammy for the weekend...

Sunshine, the park and even some swimming evened out our trip!

Back on the road and it was really quiet...it's not often ALL of them sleep anyone, but 2 out of 3 is a win!

Special trip for the 4th grade girls to Menchie's with the principal...thanks Kaia for inviting Millie.

And then it felt like "fake" summer with the kick off of Memorial Day Weekend...we ended up hitting the road late Friday night to miss out on traffic...and to be able to wake up in paradise!

It's officially been a year since our 1st night and it still seems like a slice of heaven...and I pray it always will.

Even after a little "work" the kids still think of this as their happy place too...

I'm guessing it helps when they get the reward of swimming DAILY!!! Opened back up for summer and even heated!  These little fish were stoked!

Taking it easy on the runs...but getting more steps in without pain! I pushed out my next run to August and plan to continue to work on my strength and endurance this summer.

Dinner with a view!

Boating Baby...cuddled up with mom and I will take it as long as she will!

No trip to the lake is complete without a little kid time on the beach!  I pray they are never too old for this.

And that's a wrap...quick trip, long weekend...but an even LONGER summer ahead!

The fun surprise I found in my hair on Tuesday when we got home...yep, that's a tick! YUCK!!!

End of school means LOTS of FUN...Millie's class got to head to the beach for a fun day...the weather did not cooperate, but the kiddos had a ball!

True Washington kids loving the beach and all the sea creatures!

Morning cuddles as we inch closer to the end of the year...I love that we have this special time EACH morning and that it's not just mom that craves this time together!

Fun mom came out...and it was time for some weeknight adventures!  Swimming on a school night, sure!

And as the year ticks by...Field Day is a favorite for all the kiddos!

Field Day THEN>>>>and NOW!!!! Kindergarten to 5th grade and these boys are becoming amazing young men.  <3

Millie plus a worm...of course!

Hugs for mom...love that I get to participate in ALL THE THINGS (and that they still want me to be there)!

Cake walk and cupcake for the little muffin!

And more cuddles for mommy!

All painted up for a fun day!

This one even posed with mama!!!

More cake walk and cupcakes for the middle muffin!

Finally cake walk for the big muffin...

That's a wrap HCA Field Day 2024...and off to a park play date to wrap up May with our life group family!

5th grade MOM's night out...so many have been together since the beginning and some have joined along the way...what an amazing crew!! I feel so blessed to have these ladies as support through the years and beyond!

And to these ladies...the ones who keep me sane on the daily.  Thanks for standing by me, praying with me and helping lead me to Him :)

 And just like that...we've entered this NEW stage of freedom as parents.  We can NOW go on quick dates and leave our soon to be 6th grader in charge!!!  Holy smokes, this feels weird and amazing at the same time!

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