Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Spring is in FULL swing!!!

May kicked off with an outreach event at Heritage to support Reach Ministries...followed by a Hot Dog lunch to celebrate the end of testing week!  Thankful for the opportunity to serve our community and enjoy the HCA community too!

The perspective of a 5 year old helping out with the Hot Dog feed!

And then she got bored of watching mom and decided to selfie it up!!!

Griffin was able to join track this year for school and it was so fun to watch him grow and learn!  Hurdles were his favorite, but also kicked butt in Javelin and the 100m.  Can't wait to see him continue this path!

Saturday adventures...checking for sea stars and more!

Millie being Silly Millie <3

Rainy Sunday calls for our 1st ever movie with all 5 of us!!! The story of For King and Country was amazing!  We all loved it.

Millie was chosen to participate in the spelling bee and took 3rd place for 4th grade!

This little one was chosen for reader of the day...and now is wanting to read more and more and more!

And then it was time for 5th grade camp...Rich got to go as a leader and from the stories, pictures and smiles it seems to be a core memory for each of them!

4th grade share chapel was hilarious...in the best way!!!

Sharing special treats during Teacher appreciation week!

The girls got to go to a fun Cheer clinic while the boys were gone...so crazy to have both them on Bothell Junior cheer next year.

Handling Dad's chores while he was at camp!
 Operation don't let the birds make a nest!!!!

Crazy Hair Day...the parachute men have landed in Millie's hair!

Girl time!

Mommy and Leighton Day at school and the Beach!!!

And then it was time to pick up Rich and Griffin and head to the last track meet...it was hot and we had fun!!

Wrapped up the crazy Friday with Mother Son night at school and.....


And then we had a Saturday of CHILL!!!

And the cousins got PUPPIES!!!

Mother's Day was filled with church, treats and a trip to flower world...a great day (and we were able to celebrate my mom the night before). 

May is a month filled with so much and we aren't quite half way in...love the sunshine, the excitement of summer on the horizon and all the celebrations during this month!


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