Sunday, October 11, 2020

August...the Sunday of Summer flew by!

Summer during a global pandemic is a little different than any summer before.. we soaked in the time that seemed slower but still FLEW by!

LJ enjoyed her trips to GG and Roxy's with Grammy where she would entertain with water, chapstick, dance moves or whatever made the ladies smile!

At home it was workbooks and reading to help keep us preparing for the school year that MAY or MAY NOT be in person.  It seemed like the waiting game was unreal with whether or not the kids would be back in the classroom or back in the Meyer classroom.
Trying to prepare for the best we scenario practiced wearing our masks while in the "classroom" (or for at least a few segments a day)!

Growing PEAS for VBS.

A special morning honoring a fallen Bothell Police Officer.  The emotions of coming down our hill in the morning to drop off the kids made me do a 180!  We needed to be there to share support and love for the police who protect and serve. Sharing this with Rich and the kids is something that I will cherish.

Another day filled with SMILES for ALL!

While I didn't do a ton of prep for in person school...we did order backpacks in hope they would go back.  Of course, LJ needed her pack for trips to Grammy and Papa's.  

Every Wednesday in August we have VBS activities, videos and even a weekly connection call!  Great jobs Bothell UMC!

This one is growing up TOO fast...but it seems like that is a theme around here.

Sunny days call for all the water toys!

A specials delivery for LJ from the amazing team at Bothell UMC!

And then BIG sis did this!  Millie's love and connection with LJ is something special.  An amazing big sister and bestie!

We've got CORN!!!
Garden baby so proud of her crops!

Saying goodbye to the was time.  Her legs hung off and she was ready to say goodbye...mama had a harder time since it meant she really is no longer a BABY...but will always be my baby.

A fun morning walk with H & E!

Running, throwing rocks and mama's getting to chat.  My heart is full that H and I get to raise these kiddos together.

Off to Sunday pickup at VBS.  With church being so close and the sun shining so bright, we ended up walking over for pickup and surprise popsicles.  Win, Win!

After Church....we grabbed Daddy and went to Juanita Bay to soak up the sunny Summer night!

And then a trip to DQ....Ice cream for all.

I mean...when you match your littlest,
you have to capture it!

And we are already back to ANOTHER Wednesday of VBS.  The weeks FLY by!

This time, Jillian and Katie stopped by for the group zoom break outs!

A fun Wednesday with the cousins!

Taking a little spin around the cul-de-sac with Adam.

Not sure if these walks to the park are more for mom or the kids...but with the smiles on their faces I think we all love it. 

The way these two look at each other.  Pure LOVE!

Saturday morning snuggles.

And then Rich had the crazy idea to take the BIG kids they did!

Successful setup!

While daddy and the BIGS are away, this little lady and I has some special time.

How beautiful is this location!!!! I can't wait to go next summer when LJ is a little older and the whole family can go!

Spooky campfire stories and then coffee in the AM!!!

I did it! It took me longer than I thought, but I hit my CENTURY ride on the bike!  

With things slowly opening up, it was time to get back on the haircut we started with Griffin.

Due to a cancellation, Millie was able to sneak in and finally get the BOB she was dying to get.  

Sunday VBS car parade time with our donations and fun balloon animals!

And the we did this....YES, we left the kids for an hour-ish at my parents and went and had a beer outside.  Just us. YES!!!!! 

Smiles with GG!!!

These kids and their reading this seems like so long ago, but each tackled OVER 1,000 minutes of hard work!  It was so fun and I love seeing their love for reading grow!

My BOY...sometimes he just needs time with MAMA!


And then this...YES this.  Happens all the time and LJ is probably the toughest one there!

When your Bestie turns 40 during improvise! Spa Day and Mom's slumber party!

I hope I remember it for all the amazing family walks and sunsets.  I hope I cherish the bonus time we had together.  I hope I learned to keep the pace slower and soak in the moments!

And then we got the news that we were going back in person....YES!!!  Supply drop off and meet Millie's teacher.  The good news is we know and love her teacher (just like all the teachers at HCA) and got to find Millie's class and desk!

A little back to school playdate and ice cream afternoon!

Mom, I'm a big girl too!  Yes you are LJ, but you aren't taking off for school yet!

Catching the last week of VBS before heading.....

Yes, we snuck in a 2nd week again this summer and it was the best!!

These kids LOVE their church we did that before anything else! 

First night in town...and already ready to hit the lake!

Does life get any better than a beach picnic?!?!

Meyer 2020!
These are the memories!

It's crazy how time just STOPS when we hit Roosevelt!  It's like all the chaos and crazy is gone and we are just here, together.  I want these feelings always.

Day 2 and we already found our 1st BEAR!  The theme of this trip was bear watching!

Since Lake Roosevelt is really the Columbia River dammed....they raise and lower the water level.  In August, it's lower and we discovered our favorite ISLAND was back.

Sandy beaches and blue skies as far as you can see!!!!

Of course, the kids crammed under for naps.  I wonder how much longer they will do this....

Dinner at the launch restaurant and breakfast of champions. Yep, they get sugar cereal at the lake.

We hit the 1,000.  I told you I was amazed.

More wildlife and blue water!

Just 2 girls sitting in a bin.

Slow mornings with LJ and Chukar.

I mean...what can I say, we love to just be outside.  Fishing, playing, laughing and enjoying this time.  It's pretty special that our family can just BE together....and I never hear the "I'm bored" when we are at the lake.

The littlest one has the BIGGEST appetite for fishing.  haaaaa-haaaaa....if you only knew how she said fishing.

MY HEART IS FULL...but you know that!
Looking back at these moments make all the challenging ones worth while.  It's not always sunshine and rainbows with these kids (or me), but we sure try to make the best out of life TOGETHER!

And then the neighbor takes the kids on the golf cart....they are hooked!

My girls!!!

Dinner out again...but this time we did dessert first, because...WHY NOT!

Naked babies!!!!!

Another sunny beautiful day.  CHECK!

And a little more BEAR watching.

And then we got talked into taking the flamingo out with us....

And it was the HIT of the day!!!!

Soaking in these last moments at the lake and SUMMER 2020!

Even got a few with MOM on the flamingo!

My HAPPIEST place is wherever these people are...and water, always WATER!!!

That's a WRAP 2020 Lake Roosevelt 2.0!  We have big dreams to be here more in the future and can't wait for more summers at the Lake.  2021 is already booked for 1.0 and 2.0....but maybe there will be more!

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