Wednesday, April 8, 2020

February 2020: These are the days...that FLY by! that it is April and what used to be up is now down and what was down is left and round is square and the World seems to not make any's been hard for me to come back and look at some of these photos of when life was "normal". 

We have settled into our new normal...more of that to come, but for now, this WAS life in February.  I had already put these together and named the post...these are the days....that fly by, but it seems like these were a lifetime ago and not just a couple months ago.

Pig pile down the slide...sounds like a great idea!

Mr. Escape artist has a NEW trick...breaking out of his kennel. So after fighting it for a few days, he now leads a life of leisure on the couch while we are gone. 

The future Ringbearer for Britt & Ty's wedding in March getting all fitted up!

Next up, Miss Flower Girl trying on "big girl" heels for her big job down the aisle.

Fashion Show Time!

This...a reminder here to KEEP working and knowing that all the work I (we/you) do inside will pay, it doesn't hurt to do a little work on the outside too!

Getting ready for Valentine's Day and decorating cookies with GG, Roxy and Grammy!

And this trick I call the TREE....all my little branches or birdies or minis climbing me and loving on me before we rush off in all different directions.

Just loving on my #1 kid.

Some days are meant for silly pictures with mom.

She looks so ready for SUNSHINE and good days ahead!

GG and her mini me, LJ, off to the grocery store!

And it's officially VALENTINE'S DAY!

Off to spread some joy around Bothell with Miss LJ!

After school adventures going down the BIG kids slide at HCA.

Meet up at Menchi's with the cousins!

And then it was time to do some mid-winter break cleaning....

Saturday night dinner & movie night with Jillian and Kate!

And then the preparation for the science fair began....Millie loves Gummy Bears, so she decided she wanted to learn what happened to them in different solutions (water, salt water, baking soda, etc.)

This one is quickly becoming a hoarder (just like BIG sis and BIG bro).

Was this a date errand day...a Friday?
Who knows? BUT the love was there and so were the cuddles!

More home projects...potentially one of the last ones for a while and our home will be "done" minus the decorating. Whoever said don't move home until your house is ready...otherwise you will never finish it was 100% accurate!

Out with the old fireplace - in with the new gas insert!

More mid-winter break fun with the cousins!

Leighton had a great time in the young kid area...

and the big kids got all their wiggles out too!

Pretty sure both kids could be the next KID American Ninja Warrior.

Of course they would find the "legos" and start building.

LJ had zero fear going down the slide and multiples times just ran over and jumped down it herself.

Meyer O'Malley Pig Pile

That's a wrap Elevated Sportz.

It's official...She's a Meyer. 
She ate a whole plate of beans from Julio's after crushing some guacamole.  :)

A very special award for a very special little lady!

This award is given to 1 student in each grade who displays the character of the month. Our little Millie is great at forgiving others and helping others forgive too!

A little shot from the classroom reading with her friend Carter.

And these are the moments I love....when all three of them get to have FUN together!

Our first Ash Wednesday service at BUMC to kick off the season of Lent!

We wrapped up February with Leighton's 1st swim lesson...for someone who hates the bathtub and shower too, she did amazing!

Saturday fun at Meg's!

We wrapped up February with our 1st Date night participating in the 10 Great Dates to Energize your was fun "taking a trip down memory lane" and I can't wait to continue the journey.

That's a wrap February...we sucked every ounce of fun out of February like LJ is doing to grammy's shake!  Bring on SPRING...or so we thought!

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