Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Recharging with 3-days of family fun!

Sometimes our weekends are running around in separate directions trying to "get things done"...this weekend was all about running around in the same direction being a great team and family.  It's amazing how much of a recharge this gave me...

Friday night was a cook at home type of night and work on putting together Katelyn's 1st b-day present.  Griffin was a great help and Millie was a great distraction.  Rich was the crew leader and I was project supervision. The table and chairs came together great.  Family success #1!

Griffin helped "wrap" the present and himself!  He loves a headband!

Time to celebrate Katelyn's 1st birthday.  Miss Millie was ALL about climbing and sliding!

The bigs having a cupcake break while Millie was begging for one!

GG with Miss M!

The littles testing out the table...best buddies!

Rich and I with the littles...Happy B-day Katelyn!

The BIGS being crazy with bubbles!

YUM!!! Cupcakes.  This little man is getting a sweet tooth!

Let's go BOATING!!!

Sunday was Family Picnic day at Chateau Ste. Michelle...the kids loved the wagon!  Success #2 was keeping them in one place at the same time.

Goofballs...Like father, Like Son!

Cuddles with Mommy!

All tuckered out from the fun.

After naps...it was time to bring the troops to our house for the 1st annual Seafood Boil post-staycation!

The kids played together so well...love the little jobsite activities.

Beer and Boiling!

The littles were a little harder to contain...Drew and Millie did not want to be in the "play yard" and screamed like they were losing legs!

The party for them was moved inside...SUCCESS!

Live crab...pinch, pinch, pinch.

Dinner is served!

For everyone!

Post-dinner movies in G's room....hopefully he doesn't think that 3 older women in his room is a normal thing!!!

Wrapping up with stories and cuddles from a successful day with friends!

The littles not ready to give up!

Monday morning was DOUBLE Doughnut Day...a rectangle and a circle.  The things you do for smiles!

Nobody puts BABY in the corner...except when she climbs in and does it herself.  SILLY MILLIE!

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