Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Summer flies by...

It feels like it was just the beginning of JULY and we had the whole summer in front of us...now, all the signs are pointing away from summer, but this mama is not going to speak what is to come in the a few weeks.  

cough <<school>> cough

So for today, the colds are at bay and the summer is still here.

First sleep away camp of SUMMER 2024 was for MILLIE!
It was her 2nd year at Lake Retreat with Canyon Hills Kids and I can tell you the smile tells it all.  This year she had a cabin full of friends from church and even a friend from school.  Such a blessing.

Millie's cabin group!

A few fun shots from a secret friend while Millie was away!

Meanwhile back at home we started to embark upon "The Great Purge and Room Swap of 2024"...and let me tell you, 6 weeks in and we are finally making some headway!

And the "goodbye" to LJ's room starts...as it will transform into the preteen boy cave! The loft has turned into the catch all for ALL. THE. THINGS!!!

July I took my walks to the next level and hit 15,000 steps each day.

Swim Lessons and Haircuts and Pool Time...oh my!

I even snuck in a few post workout walks with the gym ladies.

Then it was time to pick up Meme from camp and head EAST!! You know the drill by now...every chance we get!

Millie and Ford had a rough trip over...assume the position kids!

We were lucky enough to spend an evening on the lake with the Sullivan family and share our little slice of heaven with them.

And evening well spent...

Time at the lake is so unique because we just "exist"...we entertain and hang, eat and relax.  I truly believe it's why it's hard for us to travel anywhere else because we've learned to love this down time the best.
Summer movie in the park following the pizza party hosted by a local 7bays family.
And a trip is not complete without some time on the lake...

The eagle has landed...
This summer we have a few more riders on the tube...outside of mom :)

Griffin enjoys surfing on the tube.
Mom loves a little spin too...and Rich usually finds a way to dump me.

And the annual ANNIVERSARY picture...cheers to 15 babe!

Back home and these 2 decided they were ready to have their own savings accounts...so they are big savers now earning interest each month.

Summer fun with friends...we haven't been home nearly as much as we have been gone, but we keep trying to find time for fun afternoons with friends.  Summer just goes by sooo fast!

Another morning walk post F45!
And then it was Griffin's turn for camp...middle school camp here we go!
This is the 3rd year for most these boys together and even a few new cabin mates this year!

While G is away...we had a fun night out at the Conard's cabin.  Sunshine and water is the way to my heart!

With a bunch of the kids gone...it was girls only!

Summer birthday party fun for LJ.

And then we got to celebrate the 15th anniversary with a wonderful evening out...why don't we do this more?

Back at the morning walks...those steps aren't going to take themselves and this pup has fallen in love with his morning walk.

And then the project came to life...boy cave step 1.  Dark paint!

When you have raspberries...

And he's back...he survived middle school camp and had the most exhausting and fun time of his life.

Professional Dog Walker...new title for me this summer!  Almost all my walks have my buddy with me.

Home on a weekday means pool time for all...even George Washington (See Millie's hair)!

Mom went for a walk after the gym...so Dad took the pup for a walk!

Rich's sister and hubby came to visit...a short hello, but always a wonderful visit!
And then we were back heading EAST...

Golf cart rides with Bob and a walk for Rich and I.

We tried a new church at the lake and it was great to worship God and experience Him at the lake. We will be back LRBC.

And then it was time to hit the lake.

Feeding the ducks.

This is SUMMER 2024!  I want to freeze time and this moment.

All of us sandwiched in one place...my mama heart explodes.

Nothing like these views...

And then the crew got new shades...and they threw some shade at me :)

Paint time for the girls room.

Teaching him the important things...
A cleaned out closet and moving into the new boy room.

Guess what...we put the projects away AGAIN and headed back to the lake.

Mom plus kids!!!

We made it...and it was HOT!!!
The cousins came for the weekend with Grammy & Papa...and it was so fun to share the cabin with all of them. I think they named it Cousin Camp and asked for it each summer.

Grammy and Papa with all the Grands...heading down for a day at Friday Bay.

Swimming, Tubing, Boating and more!

No trip to the lake is complete without a trip to Love Birds.

It's been a summer well spent and I cherish these moments all together.  I pray that as we enter the next season we remember the fun of summer and bring some of it with us when the wake ups are earlier, the homework creeps in, the busy starts to take hold and we recognize that each day is a blessing!


  1. I so enjoy watching your amazing adventures with your family, and of course, Ford!

  2. Love all our family time
