Monday, July 11, 2022

Boom Shaka Laka Toot Poop Five BALLS Gasoline!!!!

This sums up life right now...Boom Shaka Laka Toot Poop Five BALLS Gasoline!!!! Take the cuddles with the crazy, the laughs with the lying, the playing with the praying, the circus is in town and we keep saying that being CONTENT with this stage we are in is MORE THAN ENOUGH!!! Blessed beyond belief and never regretting that we didn't spend enough time with these monkeys or we didn't LOVE them enough!

Just these 3 being the 3 kids they are meant to be!

Fun Friday Night at the park with our life special night where all the kids get to come too!

Another Saturday...another trip to Flower World for MORE FLOWERS!!!

Garden Baby helping Garden Daddy with all things planting!

Ta-dah!  We realized we needed color out the office window so we can enjoy summer even when "slaving" away in the office.

June is the time for things ending and celebrations...this was the END of Year TrailLife night for Griffin and another time the whole family got to come along!

Celebrating these young men in their growth this year.

And the MOMS of TrailLife :) Funny that I didn't get the DADS pic, since they are the ones who pour in week in and week out.

Working on our 150 miles and snagged a friend along the way.

And then it was the END...last day of LJ's first year of preschool!

This young lady has grown up so much and I'm so thankful for all the fun she had this year.

We celebrated with manicures :)

And a trip to Starbucks with the BIGS!

So proud of Millie.  She turned in the most reading logs in her class and got a special light to read even more!

Then it was the LAST day for the BIGS....

These 3 are off to Preschool-4, Grade 3 and Grade 4 in the Fall.  AND THIS IS WHY I will never regret putting them first!  Love them, Spoil them, Teach them and Love on them some more...the summers we have with them are passing by so quickly so we will pack in all the fun!

Last Day of School Chapel

And then we got to celebrate with a fun dinner!

Early birthday celebrations for this ALMOST 8 year old!

First up, Bracelet making with Friends.

Then Lunch and treats!!!

Swimming POOL...yep, that was next on the bucket list and summer 2022 is our 1st year we are members at AquaClub!

What is summer without a little structure...I know, eyerolls BUT I have to have a little order in my days!

New bikes for the BIGS...and they have been one these SO much!

Rich and I did a thing...we went and became members of Canyon Hills Community Church!!!

Special time with GG!

And then we got REALLY sick.

But we had some good moments between the pukes...

But then we all went down....HARD!

The good news is we got better...and they built our shelter while we were sick.

Happy Father's Day Rich!  A more spent with the kids, church and brunch...all the things.


Summer is here and swim lessons began! LJ was not sure, but by the end of the week was getting more and more comfortable in the water.

Fun play dates with friends.

And mom and the girls had fun too!

And then it was time for 10 glorious days at the LAKE...loaded to the brim and off we go!

This....I pinch myself that we are blessed to have a little slice of heaven on earth. 

Straight Lounging...we didn't even hit the lake for 4 days of vacation...just chilled, read, hit the pool, walked, biked and played.  Talk about low key vacay!

These kids were so excited that we actually get to use the community pool now.  Woot woot!  The joy of ownership.
Someone got a special night of s'Mores without the big kids.  :)

My little book worm ready 4 books in our 10 days...I only read 2.  Love seeing his love for reading..and makes me want to read more too!
Another afternoon at the pool!

Prepping for the birthday girl with her triple layer cake she requested!


Pre-birthday dinner at  Fort Spokane.
She's 8!!!!

Planting Sunflower seeds at the property...we shall see in July if any of them took.

Out on the lake and Slaying (and releasing) all the BASS!

My little Lake Lovers!

Smiles...I will capture ALL the smile pictures! And yes, they get annoyed with me.

Bubble DAY...all things bubble ALL day long!

Beachcombing...the water is high and the beach is small, but we skipped rocks, walked the shore and had some fun.

Working on our 150+ miles on walking this summer...we are getting there and ended June with 25 miles!
Banks Lake Day!

Nothing better than PB&J on the lake! 

Beautiful Sunset...I can never say thank you enough for this!
Morning walks...night walks...all the walks.

SMILE...we're in MEYER Bay!

A Walleye for Miss Millie (hooked by Rich, reeled in by Meme)!

My LOVE...the guy behind all this.  Boom Shaka Laka!!!!

That's a wrap Lakecation 17 or 22 or 27 BUT who's counting!  Lake Life is soon to be something we can't count because it's just a constant and wow, I am beyond grateful for the blessings of 2022!!!
Maybe next time on the family picture when the sun isn't BLAZING into our eyes and kids are just ready for the trip home!

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