Wednesday, September 15, 2021

And it went like this....Summer 2021!

Summer 2021...
Summer is meant to CRAM in as much fun with friends and family as possible and this summer sure did not disappoint.  It feels like it went by in a blink, but that is truly life right now.  I often think it's time to stop updating the blog, but then I look back it from time to time and am thankful that I captured these moments and memories and can't wait to continue capturing life as we LIVE it!

What a difference 13 years makes....
Rich's hair went from brown to gray,
the house went from gray to white,
life just kept getting better!!!

Fun Sunday Movie night with Friends! This will definitely need to be done again...but with the light summer nights, it was almost bedtime for these turkeys before the movie even started.

Mom, take a picture with us....OK!!!!

Almost daily walks and trips the's amazing what getting out and moving each day does for this family!!!

And then one of the 1st projects began....Driveway 2021!!!

I mean does it get much better than LUNCH on the jobsite?!?!

Three little turkeys sitting in a cart...

And then it came time for Rich and I to show our mad wall building skills!

I mean....we do lounge too!!! It's not ALL summer camp, parks and home projects!

Crammed right in the middle of a weekend we snuck in date night for our 12th anniversary!!! Insert something sappy and lovey...this guy right here, I could have never prayed for a better partner!  The one that pushes me and my buttons and picks me up when the world around me is falling apart.  The one who grows with me and seeks a better love of the LORD and his family with me.  Gushing over, he is all mine...and even comes with a few defects, but those are for me to know and not blast across the world.  :)

How it started versus how it ended!!!

I mean, working together on a project...I can't think of a better way to celebrate our anniversary!

Park nights with the monkeys!

Back for more work in the driveway!

Summer Camp Veterans....Golf, Basketball, HCA, Swim, Cheer and more, they explored them ALL!

Fun afternoon with Friends!!!

It seems like yesterday that we built this...and now, it's gone.  :) Bring on the outdoor living space and hot tub!!!

I mean, I think they were having fun!!!

Ready to pave!

And then I turned 42....I shared this comment on my birthday and I think it is even more important today, so I share again!

Oh, 42, you sneaky little thing you!!! In a world that seems upside down at times and a little like I’m swimming upstream, it’s amazing to reflect on the people and experiences that God has put in my life through the years and for the years. It’s hard not to get a little sappy!
I’m am grateful today that I am who I am, where I am, standing up for what I do, when I do it, and knowing that is where I’m supposed to hard as that sometimes is, and as easy as it sometimes looks from the outside.
I’m not fake, I’m flawed. I’m not churchy, I believe with my whole self. I’m filled with hope and struggles, but still believe.
I never want to be the kind of Christian who portrays themselves as perfect, I have flaws and struggles and that is why I need Jesus.
So here’s to finding my voice this year and continuing to know that love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are the fruits that I will continue to water and sprinkle around my life!!!!

Special birthday lunch date with Heather :)

And in true birthday fashion, we celebrated with an ADVENTURE!!!!  NW Trek or BUST!

Saturdays are for meeting your bestie and her mama at the park so the girls can play and the moms can get to know each other more too!!

And then....more park time! You see a trend now, right?!?!

Swim Camp was a fav this summer and I love how these little fish are comfortable in the water.

When you don't want to cook grab food and hit the park!


And if the other projects weren't enough, we replaced a broken wall to help with the front yard project that is continuing this fall.

Let's do this CHEER camp...that turned into a full cheerleader this fall!

What is summer without some time with vacuum man and Julios!!

This big girl is off to school this fall and I might have not been completely ready, she was BEYOND ready and so excited to be a BIG girl and go to Meme and Bubba's school!

When you can't bring the fun to you!  Aunt Becky got to come visit for a long weekend and we soaked in all the fun times with her!!

Goodbye BABY girl...hello TODDLER girl!

Big-ish Girl Bed ready to go!

And then this happened....

Lots of LOVE and so many cuddles for Aunt Becky!  We sure love you and are so thankful for your visit!

I mean...Tall Tree is our fav!!!

Getting ready for 2nd grade with a BIG girl haircut!

Fun Park night with FRIENDS!!!!

Last week of summer camp of 2021!!

Special drop off to our HCA teachers.

Our first Night of Worship with friends at Canyon Hills!

And then we went to the LAKE......what a great way to wrap up summer with days filled with family, boating, park and hanging out! Our HAPPY place!!!

Taking in the views of our last trip to the Star Lake Cabin...bitter sweet, but God Only Knows what is next!!!

Trip up to Kettle Falls for lunch and some exploring.

We stopped at MEYERS Falls...and had some fun!

And Griffin caught a snake....YUCK!

Off to the beach and to play in the water!

Leighton FINALLY enjoys the sand and water....kind of!

First Fish goes to Daddy!

Sisters that SNACK together and NAP together!

This NEVER gets old!

Found our MILE 12 too!!! 
Baby, I know any storm we're facing
Will blow right over while we stay put
The house don't fall when the bones are good!


Final trip into the marina...until next time 7bays!

Late night walks and swings before we headed home to bed and back to reality!!!

Lake are our present and our future!  You have a part of our heart today and forever!!

I mean...cramming in family photos right before school starts is a GREAT idea, right?!?!?

Back to School Night...the true end of summer and all the magic of late nights and running free.  It seems like the start of each school year my heart skips a little beat knowing that each of these kiddos is a year older....and this year, I have 3 Eagles heading out of the nest each day to GROW, LEARN and LOVE!  Truly blessed by our HCA Family!!!

Sitting here today, looking back at the summer that was, I am so thankful for these kids and the fun we had.  We RAN them all summer from camps to trips to the lake to late nights and crazy home projects and you know what....they had a blast!!!

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