Friday, August 7, 2020

The Meyer CV-19 Chronicles: Part 4 (End of the school year)

TA-Dah Garden Baby and Garden Daddy posed for a picture of the completed garden!!!

Sometime during the madness of the coronacoaster, this BABY turned into a big girl.  And no, she is not forward facing yet, but she keeps trying to snag one of the big kid spots every chance she gets.

A little fun home manicure for the girls and mommy.

And then it was time to wrap up the LAST full week of school...since the real last week was more just fun.  So we tried to stay focused and have some fun....even with work and life being so chaotic around us.  The funny things these pictures don't show are Rich or I working...but if you can imagine what life is like for working parents trying to do this, you will figure out there was lots of early mornings and late nights spent in the office.  It's hard to think back to that time without having major anxiety, but I try to remember all the blessings that came from this time we will stick with the smiles, rainbows and sunshine!

Potentially Leighton's 1st cake pop...unless maybe she already had one, but this day, she got her own, so I will call it her 1st cake pop.

And then it was Miss Brown's birthday...

The silly face of the day!

I remember this day....I had worked almost all night, the kids woke up a little grumpy and I called MOVIE DAY.  We shut off my phone, cuddled on the couch and just hung out!

This was my favorite part of this time.  Being able to just hit pause, say I can't do it anymore and just be able to STOP.  Of course, I've also learned that we can do that ANY TIME, we just have to do it.

And mom strikes!  It's a balancing act to run from the classroom to the "office" and not have tons of time (my love language) so mid afternoon hot fudge sundaes for the win!

Time for a fun craft for the garden...a few years ago I had bought stepping stones for the kids to decorate...but we never did it (hello, REMODEL), so this random June Saturday was the perfect day.

Ta-dah!  See how great they turned out.

Must be time to BLOW the STINK off....and get out of the house.

My girls...just hanging in a parking lot while dad runs into the store!

A random selfie....I think it was our 1st night out without kids.  I should say "night" loosely because I think it was just about an hour that we grabbed a drink and pizza, but it was the first time we had 2 hours together without kids.

More nails...more zoom calls....more time at the dinning room table in our pajamas.  I have to say when we bought this table after the remodel, I NEVER expected it to get this much use.

And the beginning of the fun to watch this grow over the past 2 months (now that it's August).

When your neighbor yells at the kids for being kids...he bring apology ice cream for all!

It was almost the end of school BUT we finally made the splurge for a new chromebook.  A computer for the kids that didn't die if it got bumped like my old laptop did.

Chapel was a little different each Tuesday, but it was special that I got to be part of it too.  Taking the wins every chance we can and looking at all the GOOD!

And then there are WORK meetings when you are home alone with 3 kids and the big kids are on their on zooms...well, Leighton had some important updates for all.  At least she brought some smiles to my team.

Summer reading charts we hung and we were wrapping up the last of the reading worksheets for the year.  As you can see, pajama day became an everyday thing in June.

And then there is OFFICE baby.  Nope, can't see her and she isn't distracting AT ALL while I prep for budget cuts and a board meeting.

End of school year Ice Cream social...

Last Kinder ZOOM with Miss Brown.  Nope, I'm definitely not wasn't the way I wanted the school year to end, but I'm so thankful for the support of our HCA family!

June also brought help from Grammy and we were so thankful!!!

The amazing children's team at Bothell UMC sending sweet notes to the kids.  I am so thankful for all Nicole and her team have done during this time.


Guess what the new garden needed....a brand new FENCE!

And then it was KINDERGARTEN Graduation...not quite the same from our couch, but so thankful for the love and energy HCA put into making this special for our kids.

A special keepsake box for Millicent with the verse of the year.  NO FEAR.  Little did we know we would lean on this bible verse so much of 2020!

LAST DAY PHOTOS...Griffin created a sign for the end of year parade.  I SURVIVED after his favorite books and it was so cute.

And that was a wrap!

School baby was OVER it!

Millie's special sign for Miss Brown!

A comparison from 1st to LAST!  

They grew, they learned, they showed resilence.  

They made the BEST of it EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Millie became an emerging reader this year and started tackling chapter books.  Her strengths in helping others and forgiving them will always be cherishes.  Can't wait to see what 1st grade holds sweetie.

Griffin grew in math and reading and his love to build things.  He is a great friend and leader.  So proud of all the growth this year!

Lunch with friends to celebrate making it through the year via ZOOM.  You kids are something special.

Parade time...Miss Brown and Mrs. Pinkerton made kindergarten SO MUCH FUN!

Big smiles and waves to Mrs. Shilley who kept the 1st graders engaged and connected every single day!

And then SUMMER began and we started with our 1st Friday adventure to Wayne Golf Course Park....

Time to explore and stretch our legs!

Watching the world through these littles is what makes being a mom the makes the hard days better and the experiences together priceless!

My summer office...Chukar approves.

The neighbor kids just hanging, lunching and talking Minecraft...BEING kids.  <3

Happy Father's Day Papa!!!

Too cool...

Fun times at GG and Aunt Roxy's!

And it's officially SUMMER BREAK.  School is out and it's time to have a little Meyer Family Fun - Covid style!

Get ready for all the social distancing fun on the lake and outdoor adventures this family can take!!!

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