Thursday, September 19, 2019

Lake Roosevelt 2019: 2.0

When I say BLESSED.... I truly mean grateful, thankful, intentional, happy, and so freaking BLESSED that we were able to squeeze in a 2nd week at Lake Roosevelt this summer!  It is truly our recharge, our happy place, our calm in a crazy life with our little tribe. 

While the days don't always go smoothly (forgotten diaper bags, running out of gas, teething baby, thunder & lightning and more)...I can truly say that every second on the lake makes me wish for 10 more minutes!!!

The roadtrip over late August for 2.0 went 100 times smoother than the June trip...we left earlier, we planned snacks and lunch better and we had happier was the perfect kick off to our final farewell to summer 2019!

1st stop....MEYER BEACH.  Yes, we named it ourselves, but come on, it makes us feel super cool!

The weather did not cooperate with us 100% of our trip...but we spent more time on the swings and even took a trip to Grand Coulee Dam.

A discovery we made was a little trail down to the lake called "Friday Bay"...this became a hike I took many times running back to the cabin to grab something we forgot, get a tired baby out of the sun and even a jump on dinner while dad pulled the boat out of the lake.  A gem!

This is what stuck inside looks like...but the team was all smiles!

I mean...the pictures tend to speak for themselves...but sometimes the words are for the 65 year old Stacie who has the blog in a book and cherishes these epic memories! Basically, a piece of my diary of the days when life was so crazy, but so much fun!  New explorations and memories every day!

This trip...all the kids dipped their toes in the sand (AND LOVED it)!

Rich and his 1st mate...Griffin will be motoring this boat by himself in NO time!

Silly little tree in the lake.

A napping LJ was a dream this trip...she was teething and had some rough days on the lake.

This little guy has become so courageous in the water...he had so much fun running and jumping and most likely would have done for hours if we were there.

Seriously...all the napping pictures!!!

She likes the wind blowing in her hair!

The girls!

Sunshine and beaches!

Guess who finally jumped in....Dad did too, but no pictures to prove it!

Happy Dad. Happy kids!

Growing up...this is how Rich fished! It was so fun to watch Griffin and Rich have this special time...and developing a PASSION for it together.

Meanwhile...back on land...LJ, Millicent and mama hanging out.

This sand bar went out 50 plus feet and the kids thought it was sooooo cool to wade out to fish.

Back on the boat....and this time getting towed back to the launch.  
Yep, out of gas...but never out of fun!

These 3 had a blast while we were towed thankful they were good sports and had fun!

Until next time LAKE ROOSEVELT....we soaked up every second of summer and got home the night before Kindergarten and 1st grade began....because that's how we do life!!!

Cheers to an EPIC summer...with more updates to come.

The blog has taken a back burner to LIFE...but my goal is to get back on track with our months of fun and tackle the last year in summaries...more for me than for you.  (hahah...I mean, afterall, this is the Meyer family photo book)!

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