Friday, July 25, 2014

Week 2 - Starting to feel the GROVE of the #Meyer5

Adventures with 2 kids, 1 dog and 2 crazy parents = #Meyer5

Griffin's 1st outing (outside of doctor's visits) was a trip to Home Depot.....and Millie's 1st outing was a trip to Costco! Not sure she was very impressed with the trip...but it was nice for us to get out of the house.

The beginning of July is a bit of a BLUR...but I do remember that Griffin has been a BIG help with his little sis from the beginning.  Here he is helping load his sis in Mama's car so that we can get out of the house and most likely get to some doctor's appointment.  Miss Millie was borderline jaundice in her first weeks and so we spent many mornings heading to the doctor and getting blood draws.  She was such a trooper and so tough!

Visits from Great Auntie Roxy and GG

This little angel...and her headband.  Rule #1: No headbands bigger than her head!  She doesn't seem to mind the head accessories and does look pretty darn cute!

It's funny how quickly you forget some of the cute things babies do...until you have another and they do it too!  Miss Millie loves to nibble on daddy's nose (and I'm pretty sure that daddy loves the snuggles too).

Snuggles in the sun with Grammy!

Miss M was a little over 1 week old and it was the 4th of July...time to celebrate with Friends.  The Rush family, Rich and G headed down to the parade while Miss M and I hung out and waited for more friends to arrive!

Alison, Emily and Griffin ready to hit the parade route.

A quick trip around the front yard before heading out.

Miss Millie, Grammy and I hung out and gave little miss a bath so she was fresh and clean when people came over.

Ahh...clean baby!

The troops were back and it was time to play in the pool.

More friends arrived and we played until the rain came!  In true 4th of July fashion, the rain came right as the BBQ was turned on.

All the animals in the zoo....Owen, Olivia, Griffin, Emily, Alison (and Andrew & Millicent behind the scenes).  When did this group get so BIG?!?!

Miss Olivia is happy to have another lady in the group and is looking forward to when Millicent can play and gang up on the boys with her!

The OFFICIAL Meyer Family 4th of July was a long day, but fun with friends. 

Mama and baby girl!  Such a little peanut!

Another day...another adventure!  All three kids packed up and ready to hit the dog park to let Chukar stretch his legs! 

There is a portion of all #Meyer5 members...but we definitely need to work on our family selfie.

My boys having some fun!

Sleeping baby!

Awake baby!

Rich and I dropped the kiddos off at my parent's house and headed to run some errands.  Avea was a great babysitter and kept Griffin entertained the whole time we were gone!

She even took her turn with Millicent!

I LOVE THIS was the begging of G realizing that he really likes having M around.  The love in his face just melts my heart.  Their bond gets stronger everyday and we feel so lucky that they love each other!

Little snuggles with Heather and Adam...and a great visit with friends!


Griffin mastering the selfie with his sis!

Another day...more sunshine...and a visit from Grammy and Grandpa Boness!  The heat was crazy in early July and these kiddos loved to play in the water.

Grandpa Mike with his newest granddaughters.

Little lady trying to keep cool and beat the heat!

Loving the sun...the water...the snacks...the visitors and showing off!


Ooops...droopy drawers! 

All tuckered out from the day of fun!

MOM, it's hot...get me off this leather chair!  Only 13 days old and so alert and strong!

CHEESE!  Yes, this is his new face when the camera comes out.  HAHAH! He might kill me for these one day!

An evening BBQ with Grandpa and Grammy Boness...Griffin posing with his yogurt pop!  POSER!

And the little lady just hanging...maybe trying for her 1st HIGH FIVE? I'm sure BIG brother will help her master that!

And week #2 ended with a visit from G's friend Owen...this is them trying to "share" something!

We survived the first 14 days...and it was time to kick it into high gear and get ready for WEEK 3!

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