Sunday, April 13, 2014

If April Showers bring May flowers....

then it is going to be a spring without too much color!  So far, this April is one of the nicest I remember!  Sunshine and, the little man LOVES the outdoors!  We have had to start telling him that "outside went night-night" to get him in for dinner!  I see a lot of fun in the sun for us in the future!

A little fun outside the vacuum shop in Bothell....G loves machines!

Fresh Squeezed Lime Anyone....

Not only does this kid eat salsa with a spoon...he likes to eat limes and squeeze them too!  I guess someone is prepping for a little Cinco de Mayo fun!

The first weekend of April, we packed up the car and headed East to go visit Grandma and Grandpa Meyer...Uncle Shawn too!

These boys are the WORST travelers....Rich and I must be crazy to spend 4 hours in the car with them!

We enjoyed family time, outside time and G's first Easter Egg hunt while in Kennewick!  Here is Grandma D helping G find all the eggs!

Not only did he love collecting eggs...he loved collected the garden spheres and putting them all in the bird bath!

After a long day of fun with family, G was ready to call it a night...he didn't move all night and was exactly how we put him to sleep when we got up in the morning.  Fresh air and fun wore this little man out!!!

Good morning WORLD!!!!  I'm ready for more fun!

 Back at Grandma and Grandpa Meyer's house, G discovered that he could sit in the cabinet...he was pretty much obsessed with this and thought he was SOOOOOO FUNNY!

 Hanging out and reading a little book....while breakfast was getting finished!  He loves to read and is so great at entertaining himself!

More sun and backyard fun on Sunday! Grandma D helping G with his Easter basket!

 Time to play with some of his new tools and figure out what this "dirt" stuff is!

 Off to do some more exploring with Uncle Shawn and collect trinkets from the yard!

Playing in the garden...did I mention he LOVES the outside!

Time to water the flowers...or just play with the hose!

Grandpa D showing G how it all works....

 Time for BUBBLES!!!!

Back on the West-side, G and J had a great week of fun and outside.  Spring is officially here in the PNW and we couldn't be happier!  

The kiddos in their new boots helping with yard work aka playing!

G is obsessed with airplanes too...and stops to point when one flies by!

 Wednesday mornings, G and I have been attending a toddler group in Woodinville!  This week was special because Grammy was able to join us!

Snack time!

Fun singing and dancing during circle time!

Enjoying a little arts & crafts time with mom....our little play-doh Picasso!

Cleaning up!  G loves to wash his hands (or just play with water)!

Fun with toys and friends!

Trying to catch all the bubbles!

Showing Grammy what a great help he is in the kitchen!

 More nice weather meant time for Rich to grab the lawn mower...G was so excited that he just sat and watched daddy at work!

A midday trip around the cul-de-sac with his cousin J!

Friday fun with his cousin, Grammy and Great-Auntie!

 G stayed for dinner at Grammy and Grandpa's on Friday so Rich and I could meet up with some friends....and I think he had fun!

Saturday morning Jilly came over to play and Grammy brought some flowers to freshen up the yard and make it feel like Spring!

Wagon rides for all!

The weather was so nice on Saturday that we packed up the boys and headed to the dog park for a little fun, walking and family time!  This was G's 1st time walking the park and not in a pack!

And he's off...almost as fast as Chukar and just as excited to see all the dogs and wide open spaces!

My boys!  I'm so lucky!

 Next to the park, people fly mini airplanes and G was obsessed!!!  His favorite word is WOW and we heard it about 200 times in 5 minutes!

 Wrapping up the trip to the dog park!

The start to an awesome Spring....with more family fun, sun and adventures on the horizon!

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