Saturday, April 13, 2013

ROAD TRIP 2013!!!!

In the end of March, we packed up the boys and headed down to California for OUR FIRST FAMILY ROAD TRIP!  It was Griffin's 1st time out of state and meeting his Aunt Becky and Uncle Jason, plus his cousins Ty, Gabie and Sami! 

It was a BIG adventure!

Loaded in the back seat...Mama feeding the little man and the Big man just chilling out!

Our first night, we stopped off in Vancouver to visit Dan and Brodi and see there new home...enjoyed a delicious dinner and time with friends.

Saturday was o'dark-thirty and we were off to California!

This little man was a trooper...I swear, we stopped more for Rich and I, then ever for Mr. G.  He did have ONE major blow-out over Grant's Pass which required a wardrobe change, but that was it! 

We made it to Sacramento (our initial Saturday stop) early and decided to push through! We recharged with a little In-N-Out and were on our way!

Clovis or Bust...we were going to make it a DAY early and get to enjoy more special time with the Hardy Family.

We arrived and Aunt Becky got some cuddle time with Mr. G!

Sunday morning it was time to relax and hang with G's cousins!  Sami, Griffin and Gabie having some special GIGGLE TIME! 

Listen to these GIGGLES...if they don't make you smile, I'm not sure what will!

The girls had a soccer game on we introduced G to a few new things:
1. Soccer
2. Sunshine
3. Heat

Yes, this was a trip of firsts!

California Cool...what Cali-kiddo's wardrobe is complete without a fedora?

More styling "sunshine" attire! 

Lots of fun and lots of laugh while we were in Cali and Mr. G made it clear that the less clothes he had on the better!

Mustache and sunscreen...why yes!


More time with Auntie Becky!

Ty and Sami being goofy!

Dani and Gabie "babysitting"!

The gang...Jason, Sami, Ty and Rich!

One of the days...we took a trip to Kings Canyon and the Great Sequoias!

Our little family with a BIG tree :)

Jason, Becky, Gabie, Sami and Rich...posing for me!

The gang climbed through a huge fallen Sequoia, Griffin and I decided to sit this one out!

A cabin from when this area was logged and lived in...many, many, many years ago!

Chukar got to get out and run a little too.  I think his ears say it all!

Uncle Jason having some QT with Mr. G.

Not a ton of pictures from the trip...but the memories will last a lifetime of our awesome visit! Rich, Griffin, Chukar and I are ready to make this an annual voyage!

Saying good-bye is always hard, but we will be back Hardy Family.  Thanks so much for letting us crash your place.  We had a blast!

Some final good-byes...

...but, I don't want to leave!  Us either BUDDY...we had so much fun!

Packed up and ready to hit the road....Good-bye sunshine. Good-bye family.  Good-bye vacation.  Good-bye quality relaxation time!

Detour: Griffin's 1st Trip to Bass Pro Shops!

Griffin's Boat (wish)!

Loving on Papa and the BIG bad bear!

Hanging with Mama too! It's like Disneyland for the outdoorist!

Stretch...back in the car for the voyage home!

We made it to Roseburg, OR for the night...before pushing through to Bothell the next day! Who would think this happy camper had been in the car for close to 11 hours!

Rise and was the final leg of the trip!

Washington or Bust!

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