Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week 24!

About ME:

It's a lot less about FRUIT now...and a lot more about how my body is changing.  I decided it was time to disclose the numbers and help me figure out how fast this little Monster is growing up already!

Waist: 38.0 inches (Total growth 4.5 inches)
Weight: 150.8 lbs (Total increase 7 lbs)

Yes, I'm there...officially at the MOST I've ever weighed in my life.  It was a little emotional, and maybe that is why I decided it was finally time to talk about it.  I've come to grips with it and know that it is what Monster needs to grow up and be strong and healthy! 

Another first this week was a little case of acid reflux and a middle of the night leg cramp.  I've heard that both are very normal, but I was lucky enough to not experience either of them until now. 


Moving, moving, moving, moving and more moving.  I can't believe how active this little Monster is.  Monster officially weighs more than 1.5 lbs and is about 8.5 inches from crown-to-rump (a standard letter)! 

Mainly just growing, putting weight on and continue to develop organs, bones and muscle!  It's all about time now. 

Planning for MONSTER:

Registering....need I say more.  A friend helped me on Saturday go to Babies R US and tell me about the do's, don'ts, the needs, the wants and the never gonna use.  WOW!  My suggestion for anyone who is having kids in the near future is to have someone do this for you...maybe you can hire someone?!?!  That place is super scary for a soon-to-be mom and should never be entered into alone.

This weekend the nursery project also got started (see other post for details).

Tomorrow we also have our next appointment with our OB!  It's really been 4 weeks...holy smokes!

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