Tuesday, May 25, 2021

So much for April SHOWERS...

April tends to be a month where you can almost taste SUMMER...it's the beginning of the end with school, longer days and more time thinking about what fun plans are ahead!

April sure brought great memories this year and these are just some of the crazy Meyer family times!

LJ loves to pretend she is a "doc-doc" and this was her giving the duck a check up.

Remember kid 1 and kid 2 who did everything based  on the recommendation of blah, blah, blah...well, I'm  not even sure when kids go to the dentist for the first time, so I thought it must be time to get this little lady in. 

She was a little unsure to start...but then climbed up in the chair and didn't even notice that I was there.

And then we got to meet FIONA!!!
Leighton is in love with Baby FiFi and has even snuck a few more visits since this first one.

Just chilling on the porch ...probably watching the BIG kids do crazy things!

And then there was that Saturday that dad "had" to take the boat out fishing to make sure we were ready for our Spring Break trip.  Poor Cressie (the boat) hadn't been anything but a laundry storage in the garage since October.

So....we lounged and watched movies while Dad was gone.  
Welcome to the LAZY days of Spring Break.

Kicking off Spring Break in style with a trip to Great Wolf Lodge with the cousins!

Stop 1 - lunch on our way down!

We've arrived and are ready to get our WOLF on!

1st stop...head to the wave pool!

Soaking in all the Wolf Pass fun....

Tropical drinks for the mamas!
Build a Bear...because, why not!!!
And PIZZA!!!
Time to start our Magic Quest!

Meanwhile back home...Daddy and LJ enjoying some quick time.

Water, fun, cousins, pizza, quest, mining, bears and BED!

Ready to fuel up for Day 2!

One last trip to the water park before we headed home!!! What a fun trip and definitely an annual adventures with the cousins!!! Spring Break 2022 here we come!

Spring Break Part 2: Headed off to our HAPPY place!

Back at Seven Bays for some fun times!!!

Multiple walks each day...trips to the park, climbing trees, fishing, playing in the sand and just being together.  It's why it's our happiest place on earth!!!

1st launch of 2021!!!!

And we are off...I hope that I have this picture for the next 20 years with these kids...always together in the front of the boat ready for whatever direction we go!

Napping and Fishing...

Digging and snacking! It's boat life!


Back to the park....and checking things out.

Looks like NAP time.

Another day...another adventure.  It was so fun because there was a water helicopter and turkeys that we could call to the boat.  If you know Rich, you know how excited he was.

The turkey hill.

ROUGH rider!

Dinner outside is always a WIN!!! We've stopped trying to do anything fancy at the lake...whatever is quick and fun for the kids after a long day in the sun seems to always be a win!

Cuddles by the fire....late night chats and time just being US!

Say MEYER on 3....ok, don't, but year for ALL 5 in 1 picture!

Assume the position!

These 2 would spend sunrise to sunset out here...and most times we let them.


 s'MORE fun at the fire!!!

That's a wrap 7Bays...we will be back in JUNE and AUGUST and hopefully many more times to come for years and years and years to COME!

They are the worst travelers!!!! hahah!

And then we got home and it was time to put on our "auctioneer" hats and get ready for the HCA auction.  Yep, Rich and I were the hosts and it was practice day.

It's so fun now that the kids are getting older and having friends over!!

We had a fun night playing then hit up the Pizza Coop for dinner.

These crazy kids!

And THEN....Rich and I got to have a night away from the kids...the 1st time in almost 20 months!!! Yes, it was August 2019 for my 40th.  Yikes!  We hung out in Hood Canal, dined, drank, slept and just enjoyed being the 2 of us.

Every Friday should be spent with a little quiet time with this guy.  Might not always be this extravagant...but how fun it is to enjoy a little time with my bestie!


And then...it was back home for AUCTION night!  The host and hostess with the mostest!  It was super fun...but gosh I'm glad it's done.  Talk about stepping outside your comfort zone!

And then there is this....some day we will get her potty trained but for now it's can you spot where LJ is going to poop next!

Daddy spent the last weekend in April out in the woods with a gun aka Turkey season...and we took the time to have some fun with the troops!!

Griffin made this kite at school and it was so fun...the WIND is like God, you can't see him but you can feel him and he is there!

And then mom turned into YES MOM!!!

Park, sure.  Tipsy Cow, absolutely! It's so much more fun being the mom that says YES!

And that's a wrap APRIL...I love looking back at this time that sometimes seems so hard day to day and get a "slap in the face" reminder about how blessed we are.  Sure, we have some hard times...but we have each other and for today that I am so very thankful for!!!


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