Tuesday, January 26, 2021

And that's how you do December! Peace 2020!

the month to celebrate, reminisce, eat cookies and hang!
I have to say that this December, while different (hello 2020) still was able to check all the boxes that my heart needed!

Cookies...yep, we sure at a few of those!

Nothing but smiles from this one.

Did you say Friday lunch dates at our favorite spot??? We were able to squeeze a few of these in with the bigs at school and before the littlest turkeys nap time.

Afternoon park trip calls for extra layers and a piping hot cup of something yummy!

Saturday FAMILY adventure to get the 2020 Meyer Christmas Tree!

It was SNOW much fun!

Nothing like a little sunshine on a snowy Saturday!

Ta-DAH!!!! We rocked the selfie timer!

And the we found the tree....and had to lug it all the way back to the truck...with a toddler who reused to walk in the snow.  Guess who got to drag/carry the 10 ft tree.....I survived, but I'm still a little bitter about it (kidding, of course)!

What is a snow adventure without SNACKS on the tailgate?

The love this one has for Chukar and the patience Chukar has for Leighton is something special.

Let's get Crafty....it's not every day that I whip out the crafts, but this was a project we had to do with friends....but then covid cancelled everything.

Santa mugs for all!

Back to the "usual" and cuddles with GG and discussions about life.  I mean how freaking precious is this time.

And then it was time to say GOODBYE to BIG PURPLE!!!

Not too sure about the earmuffs...but we were warned she might not like the saw.

She was a trooper and didn't make a peep the whole time...just watched the cast get removed.

And these were the pins inside my little LJ's elbow...are you kidding me? 
(Sad mom alert)!

Cast is off and she was raring to go! Ready to make some Christmas cookies with Mimi!

Cheese...I think they ate more sprinkles than made it on the cookies, but they had FUN!

Christmas dress up day at Heritage!  Griffin went for the classic look (just like Daddy would do), Millie went for the festive look (just like mommy would do)!

The wrap is off and LJ's arm was starting to heal.

Must be Fri-YAY again...and lunch at The Cottage.

The Tree made it to it's spot for Christmas.

A dy in the life...PJ's for drop off and dropping off something else in the mud room.  Oh the places she poops...just not on the toilet.

Time for Christmas stories by the fire.

And more with Yah-yah (Daddy)...gosh, I'm going to miss when LJ doesn't say that anymore.

Last day of school before Christmas break...Griffin had superhero day (Hello Swat) and Millie wanted to look nice for Mrs. Shilley.

And yes, LJ was not wanting to be part of this picture.

Christmas Cupcake making kit that we dove into for some fun!
Fact - more treats end up on the floor or in our mouths than on what we actually decorate.

Impromptu trip to the live nativity in Bellevue.  It amazed Rich and I that Millie and Griffin shared so many of the versus leading up to the birth of Jesus with us in the car.

Another Patience = Persistence moment with LJ and Chukar

And then it was Adventure Saturday with friends.

When a tree is in the road...thanks Rich and Cam.

Happy campers ready for some SNOW!!!

We made it...found an awesome spot and set up DAY camp!

The parents....s'mores, hot dogs, cocktails and cocoa bombs.

And then we had FIRE and BUBBLES...and also the "last" pictures of Chukar.  Yep, he took off on a 2 hour adventure and I thought he was gone forever!

Cheers to COCOA BOMBS!

All smiles in the snow.

Yeah for the Meyer Bell Adventure Squad.

He's back...Chukar, that is. Exhausted from his 3 hour tour.

Sometimes I forget (and it's easy to during Covid isolation) what my soul needs...the outdoors, time with friends, adventures, love and laughs!

Time to decorate the tree...might be a little out of time here...or maybe we did lights a different time...anyway, the kids got to do the bulbs this year and we had fun!  Never going to be the perfect tree mama, it's about the fun for these littles!

Sunday trip to Warm Beach lights...a MUST do!

Cuddles in the car while soaking in al the beautiful lights.

Cleaning up the room and prepping for the Lego Ledges.

Say WHAT...snow, just a dusting, but enough for some fun.

Taste tester!!!

Diving into a cinnamon roll that his best's mom brought us.

Errand day before Christmas and this one read an entire book...happy mama heart!

All dressed up for Christmas Eve at Grammy & Papa's!

The Meyer Ladies.

Ready to get this Christmas celebration started!!!

Our little family!!!

Smiles with Auntie Roxy.

Grammy & Papa with all the Grands.

Time for some presents!!!

Celebrating with GG!!!

Cousin love.

Selfies with mommy!!!

The WHOLE Christmas Eve clan!


Back home and ready to head to bed...Santa Claus is COMING!

All SMILES Christmas morning!

A daubing Creeper.


Time for your check-up!

First stop...GG and Roxy's for some special Meyer Christmas love!

Next Stop, Grammy & Papa's for more Christmas love and fun.

That's a wrap Christmas 2020!!! A little different, but special just the same!

And now, back to HOME projects!

Big Dog, small bed!  :)

Post Christmas shoe shopping...love seeing their personalities with what shoes they picked!

Another Christmas surprise...fun bedding for Millie!

Here comes the ledges....

Take a picture MOMMY!!!

Coming together!


And that's a wrap 2020!!!!

 I'm not one to regret things...but I do appreciate reflection!  When I look back on 2020, I see a family that grew closer in love and closer to God.  I see happy kids who were able to spend time together and grow.  I see a husband and wife who are learning how each year brings new challenges, but the support of one another helps us weather the storm.  I see a life that we continue to get to shape and build on with the love and support of our amazing family and friends.  What a wild ride 2020...the year that perspective hit me up the side of the head a few times more than I'd like to say and gratitude shined out like sunny lake days.

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