Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Meyer CV19 Chronicles: Part 2

So we made it through the first 24 days and we were thriving.  It was school and mid day walks and work and life...but we were doing it together.  Not sure when things shifted...but it got hard.  Our patience with each other was lessening, the hours together were getting a little crazy, the kids were missing their friends and extended family...BUT we did it.

We are still in the thick of it, but tried to see the positive, seek the best in each day and move forward as a family.  The struggle was real, but we learned so much.

Easter weekend we had a fun outside scavenger hunt through church. 

And then we came home and found fun surprises on our porch from church.

Another fun thing we had was a book we had from church following the Easter was fun to find time each night to read a little scripture (with pictures for kids) and share this special time together.

Happy Easter...Church from home was a new experience.

All dressed up and no where (really) to go.  We used Halloween bags for eggs and dress-up dresses for fun.

When the world gives you lemons, you just do what you do!!!

A special Easter egg hunt at GG and Aunt Roxy's house.

Social Distance Easter with GG and Aunt Roxy.  I'm thankful we still were able to see each other and share some smiles.

Next up, Easter Egg hung #3 at Grammy and Papa's house.

And that's a wrap Easter adventures.  A lot different than normal...but still fun was had by all.

Another day HANGING....

Over a month in and it was time for Spring Break...instead of Scottsdale that our pre-Covid family had planned, this year we tried to have some fun local adventures.  One day we did a bike ride to Grammy & Papa's.

Back home and time for some fun in the front yard.

Spring Break brought lots of sunshine and time outside with the family.

Back to life...back to reality. Our new reality which meant school with mama.

Fun nail polish from Miss Millie and I had fun "egg" nails. could catch me during many days looking like this.  Just trying to hold it all together.

Looking back at April (now that it is JULY)...this seems like a different time, but what an adventure.

Not sure what I did to deserve these monkeys (or these crazy faces).  I laugh looking back at their "favorite" shirts with Griffin sporting this yellow minecraft shirt every. single. time. it was clean!

3 amigo zooms kept these boys laughing...I sure miss them getting to be together in person, but SOME DAY!

This is a Monday or a Saturday or as we referred to it....DAY.  When every day was a little different but a lot the same.

Back to School....back to school!!!

So proud of her handwriting and how far she came this year.

Jump on Mommy....when mommy was trying to have a moment alone.  It never failed, if I escaped to the bedroom for a second, someone (usually Leighton) tracked me down.

Doughnuts on the porch with grammy!

And then back to work....I mean, we did a lot of work at this table.

School baby!

This could explain almost every day of the 13 weeks we did this at home...Millie not super impressed in the morning, Griffin full of energy and Leighton just jumping in the mix wherever she could.

Just surviving this daily shit show!

The science fair that never was...but the projects were finished pre-covid so here they are!!!

When one of your besties has a covid 6th birthday - you run over some doughnuts and surprises!

Just waiting for daddy...probably at Costco or the hardware store!  Even though only ONE person ever went in, we always went together...maybe too much together, but it was the adventures that we all wanted!

We discovered tailgate takeout and this was a BLAST.  Enjoying one of our favs in Redmond!

And now, ANOTHER week back in the classroom.

Getting outside was KEY everyday and the kids sure are thankful for our little cul-de-sac for fun...and mama is thankful they can go play and I don't have to be there every second (hello, Leighton naps).

All goofy smiles and getting work done!

That's a WRAP April....and these final pictures crack me up!  Each day, these kids brought their smiles and were ready to learn.  I often think of how hard this was on Rich and I, but it is nothing compared to the resilience and patience these monkeys endured (and are still enduring).  As we currently wait to see what happens this fall, I often think, are we set up to do this from home again? Would they love it or hate it? How will we balance?

And then I remember, we are not alone.  There is a plan.  It's just not my plan and I smile, give them a hug and cherish these moments we have together!!!!

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