Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A ONE-derful YEAR!

 A freaking FLOOD of emotions is happening right now as we prepare for you to turn ONE!  What a ONE-derful year we had welcoming you into our crazy and you finding the perfect spot in the hearts of everyone.  You were the missing piece to this puzzle of chaos and I thank God everyday that I am your mama!

Leighton Jo....you were not a surprise, but a sweet blessing.  The extra sauce that maybe we didn't know we needed, but were so thankful that we received.  
You are full of smiles and love and light up each room you go into you.

You have proven to adapt to all situations and are learning to go with the flow (not that you have a choice). 

Before you arrived, we called you our little TIE BREAKER.  The girls now out number the boys, but the love you have brought to our family makes us all winners!  It's true, your Big Bro did cry when he found out you were a girl, but the second he met you and looked into your eyes, he fell in love!

 Life has never ONCE slowed down since you arrived....

Your BIGGEST fans!!!

Your BIG sis loves you more than words.  She has found a best friend in you and a partner in crime. The bond you have is unbreakable and I hope you both cherish that unique connection you have as sisters!

Winter came and you became mama's little bestie.  This may be because you decided that sleep was optional and you and I spent a lot of time loving and cuddling through the cold winter nights!

Wednesdays have been spent at the GYM and you sure have loved this special adventure!  

You've continued to GROW and explore and ONE thing remains constant....your SMILE!!!  
You take that wherever you go and shine for the world!

From exploring food and finding YOU love everything....

To adventures at the lake....

To lounging in the front yard...

To special treats....

To snuggles in Grammy's arms...

To blow-outs in the kitchen...

The year has been WONDERFUL because of all the firsts, all the thirds, all the crazy, all the experiences, all the love and all the FUN!

YOU, my beautiful baby girl, are destined for amazing things!!!!!
Keep seeing the BEST in everyone and shining for the world to see....we can not wait to celebrate your 1st birthday this weekend and can't believe our baby is almost ONE!

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