Friday, December 9, 2016

Choosing a NEW way...shaking it off, day by day!

What is this journey I am on...How did Isagenix get me excited...Why you need to learn more about this now!

So this is my journey to date...
  • September 26th: a friend posts a picture on IG about a cleanse she was doing and able to drink it out of a wine glass...hmmm, I'm intrigued! I shot her a quick message to see what this was all about.
  • September 27th: I hear back and blah, blah, blah.  Yes, I want to be healthy. Yes, I'd love to lose some weight before the holidays. Yes, Yes, Yes...she sends me a video about the cleanse and it sits in my inbox.  Do I open it? Will I really do this? Am I ready to make a change?
  • October 19th: Video has yet to be watched.  I've continued to watch Jill's journey, but just don't think it's for me.  Jill reaches out to me and says there is a call that night and I should listen if I want to learn more.  I tell her to add me to the call...but don't know if I'm going to listen. Well, I listened and I was intrigued.  Still, I told Jill that $300 was a lot to spend and I should check with Rich (seriously Stacie, when have I ever checked with Rich about spending $$$).  I'm pretty sure this was the point where I knew I was going to try the products...just was on the fence.
  • October 20th:  I jumped in...what was there to lose.  Jill isn't a crazy person and loved the products...their was a 30-day money back guarantee...and if nothing else I could try it and be done. 
  •  October 25th: My 30-day journey began. 
  • November 2nd: One week in and I was starting to see a new Stacie...the mom fog was lifting, I had more energy, I started to feel like my "old" self.  No way could this small change be making such a BIG impact in my life.  I was also down 3.6 lbs on the scale.  WHAT? I started telling all my friends about it, but pretty sure they all thought I was crazy.  What a whirl wind...a few friends and family members joined me and jumped on board to see what this was all about.
  • November 23rd: Marked the end of my 30-days and I was down 6.4 lbs.  What a cool experience.  I feel better, have more energy and just have a new sparkle that had long been gone.
To date...there have been 14 people who have joined in on this adventure with me and not everyone has had the journey I have had.  There has been success, there has been some tough experiences, there has even been one person who decided this wasn't right for her...but through it all, it's a personal journey and it has to do something for each of these people to make them become passionate about the products and company.  I have seen my life become surrounded by a group of amazing women (and men) who are positive influences, health focused and put their families first.  These ladies have their stuff together and it's fun to be on this new adventure.

This adventure continues and each day is such a new experience.  I still have some pounds to lose, but love the flexibility that I can still enjoy the holiday fun without putting on the holiday weight.  My favorite part is that this is a's not a weight-loss's real food that I'm putting in my body that is helping me.  I was a chronic meal-skipper or poor decision maker, so this has been so great to fill that void.  I'm guessing that my morning coffee lady misses seeing my face everyday.....and the McDonald's in Bellevue misses me too...but I can honestly say, I don't feel like I'm missing out.  I still enjoy my morning coffee and's a lifestyle, not a wagon that I will fall off if I have a bad day.

I have found my spark!  This is why I decided to become an Isa-Mom...what's your reason?

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