Tuesday, February 3, 2015

January Here, January Gone!

 Hello January, How are You?
We will give you a WAVE and a CLAP for you!

This month went by faster than you can say January...and the kiddos are growing up more and more each day.  Where does the time go?!

Griffin started at a new preschool in January (a BIG-BOY drop off) and is absolutely loving it!  He is Mr. Independent and loves his new friends.

Miss M is on the move and officially started to crawl in January (she beat her Big brother by a few weeks).

Morning snuggles with Grammy!

A glimpse into what our house looks like on a weeknight...FAMILY time and kids lounging in their diapers!!! 

A special BLUE Friday with GG...Go HAWKS!

Hey guys, look at me...I'm on the move (and our world will never be the same)!

Random pictures from January...must be a BLUE Friday or a Sunday because Little Miss M is in Seahawks gear!  Our mini-12!

CHEESE!  And yes, he is the BEST SON EVER!  (He is also our ONLY son...but don't tell him that)!


Celebrating Grammy's B-day!

The "Bigs" helped blow out the candles!

Wednesdays have been crazy at our house and we have a new helper that comes...Miss Megan is taking the kiddos on a walk her!  Love her!

We decided to make it a little easier to take both kiddos out and got the double stroller put together!

These two....melt my heart!

Big kiddos have started to love COLORING...and are even making it in the lines sometimes. 

Choo-Choo...here comes Griffin on Thomas!

Another BLUE Friday!

Play time with the Bells at the Meyer Casa...a nice relaxing evening with 4 adults and 4 kids...haha!

Future Mr. and Mrs. Bell? 

She warmed up to him...

Liv loves having another girl around and is so helpful with Millie!

The couch picture....

and another one!

The ladies!

Mr. and Mrs. Meyer?

These two are stuck together!!!

Love and cuddles for the littles! 

Good night kisses!

NFC Championship Game! (Griffin sleeping, of course)!

WE WON!!! SuperBowl Bound!!!

This girl...

Griffin's 1st trip to the dentist started with a little visit to NEMO!

He was so excited and a great little man!

Here come MILLIE!!!!

Miss M met a new friend in January...Miss Georgia visited from Colorado...she wasn't quite sure what to do with someone littler than her!


Mama K and Miss G!

January also brought new adventures at the pool...a new instructor and jumping in all by himself!

More friends...this time it was BOYS Rule! Keegan and Griffin playing "Construction Site"!

The Boat Show...The Boat Show...it's official, we are in LOVE with this little beauty.  Now to make it a REALITY!

Griffin was "on-board" for getting a boat too...and loves the RED horn!

Dinner with the fam...my boys in CAMO!

Little Miss!

The ladies!

All tuckered out!

Sunshine. Sunday. Dog Park!
Check. Check. Check!


Ta-Dah...I did it!

Who me? I'm innocent!


Morning cuddles!

The Meyer kids attack LOLA...take 1.

Strike 2!

Mission Complete!

Pulling myself up...I'm a BIG girl!

Blue Wednesday at Preschool.

Heritage Christian! G is holding the Seahawks banner with his teacher.

Megan and Millie welcoming G home from Preschool!

Climbing stairs...sure I'll try that!

Standing at the door...sure, I'll try that too!

Food in my hair...yep, got that too!

A little quiet time with number one before we picked up the kiddos to start the last weekend of January!

Good-bye January...it was a blast!

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