Sunday, September 28, 2014

Rich's B-day Extravaganza - Weekend Warrior Edition!

In true MEYER fashion, we packed up and headed out for a long weekend to celebrate Rich's 36th birthday!  The weekend hit a few bumps in the road and a few of our "warriors" have seen better trips....but we made it, we had fun, and we did it together!!!

A view from the backseat...Chukar got upgraded to shotgun in Ellensburg and Mommy got to be sandwiched between the kiddos. 

 Obviously, Chukar loved his spot in the co-captain's chair.

A picture is worth a thousand words...but Grandpa Dick's camera hasn't been able to send us pictures from the you will have to take our word for it.  Dinner with Grandpa Meyer, Grandma Meyer and Shawn was great, followed by a visit Saturday morning before heading out of town.

This man loved Grandpa Dick's tractor...until it was turned on.

This little man was so tuckered out from all the fun at Grandpa and Grandma Meyer's!

Packed back in the back up to shotgun and the boys passed out.  Lewiston or bust!

 We made it to Lewiston for a little nap, then it was time to get dressed in our Crimson & Gray and head to Pullman (I stuck with just gray)....

Miss M is her Crimson!

 Mr. G ready for the game in his Crimson too!

We made it.  We parked.  We headed to the tailgates for a little pregame fun!

 Griffin practicing TOUCHDOWN and running like a wild man through campus!

 Family shot on campus!!!

A little fun on the practice field before the game....a little catch between father and son!

Game time and these boys are ready for a GREAT game...and the game did not disappoint.

It kept G on the edge of his seat (and Rich too)!

A little 3rd quarter walk with Mommy and Sis had G running like a wild man through the concourse, but he had a blast!

 The little lady was all smiles for the game...until I tried to get a picture! 

The game and excitement was a little too much for this little man...he passed out during Q4!

For the first trip to Pullman, the first time taking the kids to a football game, it was a huge success.  There were definitely some challenges, but it proved that our kids are troopers. They really adjust to "our" lives....and we love showing them the things we love!

Sunday morning we headed out for lunch in Pullman and then a little exploration of one of Rich's favorite fishing holes from college.  Griffin loved the trail and the fishing...until he rolled down into a sticker bush.  First weekend warrior down!

Sunshine! Water! My Family!!!  

 Time to fish...and throw some rocks.

 Seeing these two together just makes my heart happy...I love their bond!

We made it back to the hotel and it was time for the second Weekend Warrior to go down.  Mommy had a trip to the hard to leave my sleeping babies at home, but Daddy was their to take care of them.

Monday morning was a special day....HAPPY 36th Birthday to the love of my LIFE!  He is the man of my dreams, the father of our babies, the love of my life!

We headed out for another adventure on Monday morning before heading home....these boys were off to fish, while Chukar, Millie and I enjoyed watching the boys.

Chukar is a NUTBALL around the water and loves to swim...and goes crazy by the fishing pole.

Right before this Weekend Warrior had a spill...he is a trooper, but got knocked down and scratched by Chukar.  Poor guy!

The weekend was a success because we got out and had fun as a family...a few spills, a few bumps and 1 trip to the ER...but we survived and it made for a great story!

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