Saturday, February 1, 2014

January with "THAT LITTLE GUY"

Smiles. Laughs. Giggles. Discoveries.  Mah-Mah's. Mini Tantrums. Becoming VOCAL. Outings. Family Time. SEAHAWKS. Fun.

Just a few of the things in January!!!!

It's amazing the things that Griffin can figure out now...and what amuses him.  This little LED fan from his stocking was a HUGE hit in January. He knew which button to push and was always so proud of himself when making it work.

January brought a TON of great FOOTBALL to our house and this little Seahawk fan was all smiles as the Seahawks secured their spot in the Super Bowl.

This month, Griffin finally got to share his BIG NEWS with the WORLD.  He is going to be a BIG BROTHER later this year.  He is very excited and loves to kiss the baby in Mama's belly every chance he gets.

ROAD TRIPS....G was lucky enough to do a couple day trips with Grammy and also the BIG trip with Mama and Papa to Leavenworth.

Here is Jillian and Griffin enjoying an Audi (just their size) at my uncle's dealership in Bellingham!

 They were also lucky enough to go visit some horseys on that day trip.  Griffin and Jillian love when someone asks "What sound does a Horsey make?"  I'll have to get a video because an explanation just doesn't do it justice!

 FOOD....Griffin's favorite past time.  Plus, he insists on feeding himself.  It's proven to be both messy and hilarious at the same time.

He has also become quite the little helper with the vacuum....or should I say OBSESSED with it.

 Like Father.  Like Son. 

 Visiting the "wild life" at Cabellas while boot shopping for Papa.

Fun days hanging at Grammy's with Cousin Jillian....

BLUE FRIDAY FUNDAYS with Auntie Roxy and GG!

Friday night dinner with Grammy (and Grandpa).

 #1 getting a little R&R while G is being quiet.

Mama and Papa's DATE NIGHT.....Dinner and a Movie!

 Griffin even was able to take in a show with his lady friends....Going on a Bear Hunt with Allison & Emily!

 Holy smokes January was busy....we even got to celebrate Grammy's Birthday!

 Another trip to Bellingham....and more fun at Uncle Roger's dealership!

Fun Day with GG and Grammy....

 January was so busy that we had to take not ONE, but TWO trips to the ER.  Everyone is great now....and Griffin was a trooper getting up in the middle of the night to make sure PAPA was GOOD.

Color crayons in the ER (at 4 in the morning).  Hello, Trooper!!!!

This sums up G.  HAPPY and CUDDLY!!!!

Ready for the Dog Park!

GOOFBALL...playing Peek-a-Boo with Grammy!

Celebrating Auntie Roxy's 60th Birthday and the NFC Championship Game....

Bath time fun....

Is this kid really using a 10-Key?!?!  Please don't do it G.....


 First trip to Little Gym....TOTAL SUCCESS!

 Followed by fun at Swim Lessons!  This kid has so much energy and loves to PLAY!

 Attending his first Talent Show with his Cousin Jillian!

 Wrapped up January...with BLUE FRIDAY...and dinner with Great Auntie, Grammy and Grandpa!

WOW!!! January was a BUSY and FUN month!  
Bring on February!!!

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